Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Prescriptions for Living

Theme for meeting last Sunday was 'Prescriptions for living'. I was the MC for the day, I asked members to come up with their own prescriptions and write down those things in a sheet of paper. I asked them to make it very prescription-like, the way doctors write their prescriptions, and even prefix their names with the title Dr, and suffix with degrees as they please.

And... I was amazed by the response I got! All of them got creative, donned doctor's hat, and came up with such good prescriptions for living! I am sharing some of them here.

Dr. Priya Kansal, MD


Eye tonic - cut lots of onion and see lots of hot boys
Sleeping pill - lots of kisses
Headache - listen to rock music and dance to it
Cough Syrup - shout loudly

Additionally, have large quantities of love & give more to others.

Dr. Sandeep Ganapathy


Blood transfusion
10 litres

Dr. Adnan Nakhoda


Go dancing 1 - 1 -1 x 365 days
Water tonic 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 x 365 days

Dr. Rohit Raman


Vitamin ' B yourself' tablets

Dr. Pankaj Upadyay
[Doctorate in Funology & Specialist in making people happy]


A big stretch with a big smile 1 -1-1
- before and after breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Heavy dose of Hugs every 2 hrs.

Dr. Monica Pereira


Happy pill - 1 - 1 -1
Rest pill - 1 - 1 -1
Sleep pill - 3 pills a day
Enjoyment pill - many
Chill pill - as many as possible

Dr. Bhavana Hiremath


2 dosages of comic strips in the morning - Blondie, Dennis the Menace, etc.
Side effects: A smile on the face and it's worth it.
1 big dosage of work at office
Side effects: Laziness, dizziness, tired feeling - but try it out. In the log run, you'll be cured of lots of diseases.
A dosage of listening to music with a book in the had in the evening - this is like giving chocolates for eating bitter medicines the whole day

Dr. Pramod Shankar, MD
Consultant Gastro-Enterologist


Tab. Sunshine 500 mg 1 - 1 - 1
Cap. Laughter 1000 mg 1 - 0 - 1
Tab. Love 500 mg 1 - 1 - 2
Compassion syrup - one tablespoon daily

* * * *
It was real fun reading all these prescriptions.

-Shrilatha Puthi

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